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Grandmasters Kerstin & Thorsten

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1. How is the feeling of working together as Partners?

We see this as a gift
We were allowed to find the common passion for the profession and support each other We pursue common goals and make plans for the future, which drives us again and again.

2. How did you both decide to become a part of this amazing beauty industry? Where you beautify people’s lives every day.

Simply passion for the profession
It is every day new interesting and you can not only beautify but also do good in which you can do something good for sick or impaired people.

3. How did you both come to know about Branko Babic?

In 2015 we decided to take a course together Microblading, one of Branko’s first courses in Germany.
At that time Thorsten was working as a PMU Artist for only 1 year Kerstin already for 12 years

4. What were the biggest obstacles you faced at the beginning of your beauty professional career?

Kerstin :
I did not have the opportunity to learn PMU the easy way like nowadays.
That meant I taught myself everything, struggled hard to become perfect and always strive to improve, because you never stop learning and investing in yourself is always the right thing to do.

At that time, the training to become a PMU artist was extremely expensive, so the hurdle to start a new business was much higher than today.
Also the content of the training is not comparable to what is offered nowadays. After my training I was not ready to work alone on the model because I was not taught essential things, so it was particularly important to me to include this criterion in our courses to give our students all the skills on the way and easy to start in business.

5.  Is there any special reason behind teaching in the “PMU, Eyeliner, and Lips” over other specialties?

These are the areas that interest us most and in which we also specialize

6. What are important things which you think helped you grow to the level where you are called “Grandmaster“

Dream big and work hard for it
Never stop learning

We learn every single day in our professional life and we believe our attitude has led us here.
Good is far from perfect and you never stop learning in life So we are constantly trying to get better

7. How do you see the future of the beauty industry, Is it still growing?

In any case
The beauty industry is still on the rise Even though countless artists are already practicing the profession One should specialize and bring in his handwriting So you become unique and successful

8. What would be your message for the people who are just starting their career as beauty professionals?

Dream big, just do it, believe in yourself and never stop learning

Even if countless artists are already practicing the profession You should specialize and bring in your signature So you become unique and successful

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